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DCP - 5kg
Calcium & Phosphorus supplement to correct deficient levels in the diet. A must for breeding and young stock up to approx. 5 years alongside HHIO Mineral formulas.
Each 20g dose:
4.8g Calcium
3.6g Phosphorus
Dose Rate 20 - 100g depending on needs & size of animal
Level 25ml scoop = 20g - not included
To be used in conjunction with a minerally balanced diet.
Please note DCP can be purchased from your local farm store and sometimes larger horse feed places for approx. $60 for a 20-25kg bag which is more economical. It will store well in a clean dry place out of direct sunlight.
The HHIO formulations do not include calcium or phosphorus as most adult horses receive enough calcium from their diet and hard feeds. Phosphorus tends to lack (except oxalates). IF you are following the HHIO feed protocol the base calcium and phosphorus needs will be met within the inclusions in your hard feed. For example, lucerne chaff (we love the balanced use of lucerne) is high in Calcium and is the most highly absorbable form of calcium for horses to consume. Then Copra, rice bran and linseed are all higher in phosphorus. Which fed together will provide Ca:P.
Calcium & Phosphorus supplement to correct deficient levels in the diet. A must for breeding and young stock up to approx. 5 years alongside HHIO Mineral formulas.
Each 20g dose:
4.8g Calcium
3.6g Phosphorus
Dose Rate 20 - 100g depending on needs & size of animal
Level 25ml scoop = 20g - not included
To be used in conjunction with a minerally balanced diet.
Please note DCP can be purchased from your local farm store and sometimes larger horse feed places for approx. $60 for a 20-25kg bag which is more economical. It will store well in a clean dry place out of direct sunlight.
The HHIO formulations do not include calcium or phosphorus as most adult horses receive enough calcium from their diet and hard feeds. Phosphorus tends to lack (except oxalates). IF you are following the HHIO feed protocol the base calcium and phosphorus needs will be met within the inclusions in your hard feed. For example, lucerne chaff (we love the balanced use of lucerne) is high in Calcium and is the most highly absorbable form of calcium for horses to consume. Then Copra, rice bran and linseed are all higher in phosphorus. Which fed together will provide Ca:P.
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