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HHIO Assist
$30.00 - $150.00
HHIO Assist is used for general seasonal challenges. It is designed top up our mineral formulations HHIO Foundation and HHIO Performance, for high stress times that may need additional Magnesium and/or a Toxin Binder.
Each 20g dose includes:
Organic Magnesium 950mg
Vitamin B1 500mg
Mycosorb 10g
Daily dose rate:
Over 13.1hh - 20-40g
Under 13.1hh - 10-20g
20g = level 25ml scoop - not included
If loose manure occurs, reduce & reintroduce gradually. Includes no fillers.
Use this product for: Equines that exhibit typical seasonal challenge symptoms that respond well to magnesium and toxin binder supplementation such as mild spookiness, unsettled behavior, freshness and mild tight/sore muscles.
Horses with higher needs such as severe seasonal reactions, digestive issues, ill health, poor immunity, a heavy workload, competing & travel or those that don't respond as expected on HHIO Assist, use HHIO Support. A combination of HHIO Assist 20g & HHIO Support 30-60g can be used.
contains MYCOSORB ® Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997 No A11092
Each 20g dose includes:
Organic Magnesium 950mg
Vitamin B1 500mg
Mycosorb 10g
Daily dose rate:
Over 13.1hh - 20-40g
Under 13.1hh - 10-20g
20g = level 25ml scoop - not included
If loose manure occurs, reduce & reintroduce gradually. Includes no fillers.
Use this product for: Equines that exhibit typical seasonal challenge symptoms that respond well to magnesium and toxin binder supplementation such as mild spookiness, unsettled behavior, freshness and mild tight/sore muscles.
Horses with higher needs such as severe seasonal reactions, digestive issues, ill health, poor immunity, a heavy workload, competing & travel or those that don't respond as expected on HHIO Assist, use HHIO Support. A combination of HHIO Assist 20g & HHIO Support 30-60g can be used.
contains MYCOSORB ® Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997 No A11092
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